
Knowledge base

When can I get started with my exam?

There are two types of self-enrollment:

Exams with self-enrolment in Calendar

If your exam requires preliminary self-enrollment in Calendar, and you are yet to register, you need to self-enroll into a free slot in Calendar. After you enroll yourself, you get a dedicated message posted to your email with the start time indication (Moscow time zone(UTC+3)).

NOTE: You can enter your exam during 30-minute-period after the exam start time.

Exams without preliminary self-enrollment in Calendar

If your exam does not require preliminary self-enrollment, exam information should be shared with you by the exam orginizer. If you are still yet to receive this information, contact your exam organizer as soon as possible to avoid exam transfer.

NOTE: Examus Customer Care specialists do not manage exams schedule and do not conduct exams and quizzes. All enrollments are done by exam organizers or universities.

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