
Knowledge base

User interface: Examus panel and live chat

Depending on the proctoring type used for an exam, proctoring service interface varies.

  • There is a live chat (with a human-proctor) option on the right side for online proctoring.
  • There is no live chat option for automatic proctoring but you still see Customer Care info and proctoring completion option.

Examus panel

  • Click on the chat icon to expand the whole side panel.

Expanded side panel
Minimized side panel

User interface based on the proctoring type

Examus side panel demo based on the proctoring type:

Online proctoring Automatic proctoring

NOTE: the exam completion option is used only if such an option is not presented on the exam page. Make sure that all your answers were saved and counted before you hit the completion option.

Violation alerts and system messages

During your exam, you may see alerts and warnings about spotted rules violations and system messages. Alerts and warnings display text messages explaining reasons of their appearing.

Violation alert and a system message are shown below:

Violation System message

Need help? Shoot us a message to or submit a ticket using our Telegram bot or live chat so that we can look into this for you.